राहुलबाबांची "बौद्धिक संपदा" आणि राजकारणाचा अवकाश
Keshav Upadhye March 27, 2023 0
राहुल गांधी यांना शिक्षा ठोठावणार्या सुरत न्यायालयाच्या निर्णयानंतर काँग्रेसने आणि काँग्रेसच्या चाहत्या विचारवंतांनी , पत्रकारांन...
READ MOREराहुलबाबांची "बौद्धिक संपदा" आणि राजकारणाचा अवकाशKeshav Upadhye March 27, 2023
Rahul and his ‘fathomless acumen’
Keshav Upadhye March 27, 2023 0
Immediately after the Surat court’s verdict sentencing Rahul Gandhi, Congress leaders, his supporters, intellectuals and journalists start...
READ MORERahul and his ‘fathomless acumen’Keshav Upadhye March 27, 2023
आंदोलनांना जेव्हा जाग येते...
Keshav Upadhye March 21, 2023 0
महाराष्ट्रात नुकतीच दोन मोठी आंदोलने झाली. आता ती मागे घेण्यात आली असली तरी अशा प्रकारच्या आंदोलनांचे टायमिंग शंका निर्माण करते. मुख्य...
READ MOREआंदोलनांना जेव्हा जाग येते...Keshav Upadhye March 21, 2023
Are people reminded of agitations only during Devendra’s reign?
Keshav Upadhye March 20, 2023 0
It’s been 8 months since the government led by chief minister Eknath Shinde and deputy chief minister Devendra Fadnavis came to power. The...
READ MOREAre people reminded of agitations only during Devendra’s reign?Keshav Upadhye March 20, 2023
अर्थसंकल्पातून राज्याला नवसंजीवनी
Keshav Upadhye March 14, 2023 0
शेतकऱ्याला फक्त एका रुपयात पीक विम्याचे संरक्षण देण्याची योजना शिंदे-फडणवीस सरकारने जाहीर केली आहे. महाविकास आघाडी सरकारच्या काळात राज्य...
READ MOREअर्थसंकल्पातून राज्याला नवसंजीवनीKeshav Upadhye March 14, 2023
Tis the‘Sanjivani’ that will accelerate Maharashtra’s development
Keshav Upadhye March 13, 2023 0
The state budget for financial year 2023-24 is unique in many ways. Based on the principle of ‘Panchamurt’, the budget has laid emphasis o...
READ MORETis the‘Sanjivani’ that will accelerate Maharashtra’s developmentKeshav Upadhye March 13, 2023
Overwhelmed by our loss, they forgot to celebrate their victory
Keshav Upadhye March 06, 2023 0
Bharatiya Janata Party’s defeat in Kasba Assembly Constituency by-election is being celebrated by many, especially by the intellectuals, j...
READ MOREOverwhelmed by our loss, they forgot to celebrate their victoryKeshav Upadhye March 06, 2023