Vulnerable Opposition with a loser’s mentality
Keshav Upadhye December 25, 2023 0
Opposition parties, including the Congress, are aggrieved by its defeat in the three states of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgar...
READ MOREVulnerable Opposition with a loser’s mentalityKeshav Upadhye December 25, 2023
Apex Court upholding the abrogation of Article 370 is defeat of the so-called progressives
Keshav Upadhye December 18, 2023 0
The decision taken by Modi government in August 2019 to revoke special status granted to Jammu and Kashmir under Articles 370 and 35(A) ...
READ MOREApex Court upholding the abrogation of Article 370 is defeat of the so-called progressivesKeshav Upadhye December 18, 2023
पहिली बाजू : काँग्रेसने टीकेपेक्षा टक्क्यांकडे पाहावे!
Keshav Upadhye December 12, 2023 0
कल्याणकारी योजना बंद करण्याचे धोरण , राजकीय आकलनाचा अभाव , सामूहिक नेतृत्वाची परंपरा लयाला जाणे , घराणेशाहीचे जोखड आणि राहुल गांधींच...
READ MOREपहिली बाजू : काँग्रेसने टीकेपेक्षा टक्क्यांकडे पाहावे!Keshav Upadhye December 12, 2023
Will Congress introspect at least now?
Keshav Upadhye December 11, 2023 0
Immediately after the elections to five states, intellectuals, political analysts and journalists began comparing the journeys of the ...
READ MOREWill Congress introspect at least now?Keshav Upadhye December 11, 2023
विकासाच्या संकल्पावर विश्वासाची मोहोर
Keshav Upadhye December 05, 2023 0
नरेंद्र मोदी हा राजकारणातील विश्वासार्हतेचा सर्वात मोठा ब्रँड आहे , हे नुकत्याच पार पडलेल्या विधानसभा निवडणुकीच्या निकालांनी दाखवून दिले. ...
READ MOREविकासाच्या संकल्पावर विश्वासाची मोहोरKeshav Upadhye December 05, 2023
Will this result bring an end to enmity and toxicity?
Keshav Upadhye December 04, 2023 0
Rahul Gandhi and the pro-Congress ideologues were on cloud nine after the victory in Karnataka elections. They began daydreaming that no...
READ MOREWill this result bring an end to enmity and toxicity?Keshav Upadhye December 04, 2023